mood / mud /


mood 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a state or quality of feeling at a particular time: What's the boss' mood today?
  2. a distinctive emotional quality or character: The mood of the music was almost funereal.
  3. a prevailing emotional tone or general attitude: the country's mood.
  4. a frame of mind disposed or receptive, as to some activity or thing: I'm not in the mood to see a movie.
  5. a state of sullenness, gloom, or bad temper.

mood 近义词

n. 名词 noun

state of mind


  1. In part, that’s because audiences across all three groups reported that they were in better moods when watching CTV.
  2. Hicks points out that a tennis umpire is always paying attention to the players’ moods and how they act on court.
  3. Starting in March 2017, hundreds of patients discharged from psychiatric hospitals around Copenhagen have been loaned customized phones so doctors can remotely watch their activity and check for signs of low mood or mania.
  4. While polling to gauge the political mood in Belarus is prohibited, signs are starting to appear, both on social media and in the streets, that people have stopped being afraid of Lukashenko.
  5. If I am not in the mood for that, I just switch to a radio drama or a talk show instead and get entertained on the go.
  6. And what he said on June 5, 1985 fits the mood of the moment three decades later.
  7. Alan Gross was in a cheery mood, having survived a grim five-year stint in a Cuban prison.
  8. I remember very clearly the public mood after the 9/11 attacks.
  9. But now everything was a good pretext to vent the rebellious mood.
  10. By Alex Orlov for Life by DailyBurn Do dark, chilly days make your mood cloud over this time each year?
  11. The afternoon was a lovely one—the day was a perfect example of the mellowest mood of autumn.
  12. She gave details of the singular mood that had come upon her with the arrival of Tony, but Tom hardly heard her.
  13. A fearsome thunderstorm or howling tornado of dust might reveal her fickleness of mood at any moment.
  14. Lady Victoria's earlier mood of colossal indifference had been dissipated by her son's return.
  15. When she struck the chord of G minor, it was the right preparation, and brought you immediately into the mood for what followed.