lowbrow / noun ˈloʊˌbraʊ; adjective ˈloʊˈbraʊ /


lowbrow2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who is uninterested, uninvolved, or uneducated in intellectual activities or pursuits.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. being a lowbrow: that lowbrow idiot.
  2. of, relating to, or proper to a lowbrow: lowbrow entertainment.

lowbrow 近义词


等同于 barbarian


等同于 barbaric


等同于 uneducated


等同于 uncultivated


等同于 crass


  1. Will the next few hours be both didactic and entertaining, providing us with ample high and lowbrow cocktail party fodder?
  2. We mixed highbrow and lowbrow, the celebrated and the not-yet-celebrated.
  3. As with Beck and Limbaugh, hordes of advertisers began pulling out over its edgy format and occasional lowbrow content.
  4. Highbrow meets lowbrow when the staff of NPR covers “Telephone.”
  5. As does, perhaps, the so-called Lowbrow School, of whom he is a persuasive representative.
  6. As I was saying when this lowbrow interrupted me, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to go nutting.
  7. It was one of our chief delights to watch Frankling grind his teeth when some lowbrow—as he called them—drew her name.
  8. When I came to I found myself in that room, with one lowbrow on guard.