logrolling / ˈlɔgˌroʊ lɪŋ, ˈlɒg- /


logrolling 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. U.S. Politics. the exchange of support or favors, especially by legislators for mutual political gain as by voting for each other's bills: a state senate famous for its logrolling—and suspected of rampant corruption.
  2. cronyism or mutual favoritism among writers, editors, or critics, as in the form of reciprocal flattering reviews; back scratching: the well-established journalistic practice of logrolling and mutual admiration.
  3. the action of rolling a log or logs to a particular place.
  4. the action of rotating a log rapidly in the water by treading upon it, especially as a competitive sport; birling.

logrolling 近义词


等同于 pork barrel


等同于 activism


等同于 cooperation


  1. The state capital was moved to Springfield as a part of the give and take of logrolling.
  2. These appropriations are secured by what you call in America ‘logrolling.’