leaking / lik /


leaking3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an unintended hole, crack, or the like, through which liquid, gas, light, etc., enters or escapes: a leak in the roof.
  2. an act or instance of leaking.
  3. any means of unintended entrance or escape.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to let a liquid, gas, light, etc., enter or escape, as through an unintended hole or crack: The boat leaks.
  2. to pass in or out in this manner, as liquid, gas, or light: gas leaking from a pipe.
  3. to become known unintentionally: The news leaked out.
  4. to disclose secret, especially official, information anonymously, as to the news media: The official revealed that he had leaked to the press in the hope of saving his own reputation.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to let enter or escape: This camera leaks light.
  2. to allow to become known, as information given out covertly: to leak the news of the ambassador's visit.

leaking 近义词

v. 动词 verb

seep; make known


  1. Filipino YouTuber Tech Buff brings us an exclusive leak of the device, which has some pixels where there are not normally pixels.
  2. Good filtration removes as many particles as possible, and a good fit means that there are no leaks around the sides of your mask, where air — and viruses — can leak through.
  3. If someone was eating cauliflower near a gas leak, people would die before anyone realized they were in danger.
  4. We've discussed this canceled Xbox 360 game at length over the years, with updates coming mostly in the form of increasingly detailed leaks—and this week's is easily the biggest yet.
  5. In the decade since, there have been no large-scale leaks about the residence.
  6. Targeting pods can bulge out a bit, and leak out unwanted signals.
  7. The leak suggests that Mr. Obama remains blind to the principal cause of his foreign policy woes.
  8. They simply would not leak this shocking story about big lineup changes on their own accord.
  9. At its core, the tale revealed by the leak of what may be more than a million classified documents is a complicated one.
  10. Local mechanics pitched in to help mend the craft, but weeks into setting off the repairs wore thin and the vessel sprung a leak.
  11. Their sin began on Holy Thursday, with so little secrecy and so bad an example, that the affair was beginning to leak out.
  12. Your composing-room door is locked, and the present item of news destined for your readers is not likely to leak out.
  13. Ash pits near a house carry moisture to walls, Cesspools leak through the soil.
  14. Here sit up to the chin for twenty minutes, shivering at thought of what would happen supposing bath sprang a leak.
  15. The poem was simple and optimistic—it told of the beneficent qualities of rain, as it would appear to one whose roof did not leak.