lamination / ˌlæm əˈneɪ ʃən /


lamination 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. act or process of laminating; the state of being laminated.
  2. laminated structure; arrangement in thin layers.
  3. a lamina.

lamination 近义词


等同于 lacquer

lamination 的近义词 6

等同于 layer


等同于 stratification

lamination 的近义词 3

等同于 coat


等同于 coating


  1. To be clear, its larger bezels, lack of lamination and antireflective coating on the screen, and slower Lightning port certainly show their age next to the more modern design language of the iPad Pro, iPad Air, and just-refreshed iPad mini.
  2. The interior graphene lining is also made from 100 percent recycled fibers, and all lamination is done with water-based adhesives.
  3. Beveled edges and lamination help keep this sheer plastic ruler in shape and durable.
  4. The axis and perforation are at right angles to the plane of lamination.
  5. A disadvantage of the slotted core is, however, that it usually necessitates the lamination of the pole-pieces.
  6. One of these parallel changes is the increased lamination of the cheekteeth.
  7. The lamination of a glacier is a peculiarly interesting case of cleavage.
  8. I found also fine masses of mica imbedded in quartz, edge upwards, and so compact that its lamination was not perceptible.