lacework / ˈleɪsˌwɜrk /


lacework 的定义

n. 名词 noun

lacework 近义词


等同于 net


等同于 web


等同于 filigree


  1. The crustacea are the grandees of the sea, who, in their lacework and embroidery, avoid the rude contact of the pebbly crowd.
  2. He had a deeply lined face with a lacework of tiny wrinkles around the slanted eyes.
  3. Another, delighting in richness no less than in simplicity, designed the stone lacework of the French cathedrals.
  4. The bare, tangled branches of the roadside poplars showed against the dull January sky like intricate designs of lacework.
  5. To that tower he decided to add still another story before he topped it with an elaborate lacework spire.