joggle / ˈdʒɒg əl /


joggle3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

jog·gled, jog·gling.

  1. to shake slightly; move to and fro, as by repeated jerks; jiggle:She joggled the key in the lock a couple of times before getting the door open.
  2. to cause to shake or totter as by a sudden, slight push; jostle.
  3. to join or fasten by fitting a projection into a recess.
  4. to fit or fasten with dowels.
v. 无主动词 verb

jog·gled, jog·gling.

  1. to move irregularly; have a jogging or jolting motion; shake.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of joggling.
  2. a slight shake or jolt.
  3. a moving with jolts or jerks.

joggle 近义词


等同于 jiggle


等同于 jog


等同于 jostle


等同于 shake


等同于 toss


等同于 waggle


等同于 fidget


  1. "It 's Napoleon Bonaparte; don't joggle," said his father, running a brush steadily along the water-line.
  2. Because sometimes I feel that I'd like to give you a good shaking, just to joggle you out of your shell for a few minutes.
  3. She did not invite him in, but with easy assurance he took his seat on the joggle-board beside the door and awaited her return.
  4. They make me want to joggle their elbows and force them to spill their wine.
  5. It is very sad to be unable to dine without having family skeletons joggle one's elbow, and Ardmore was annoyed.