totter / ˈtɒt ər /


totter2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to walk or go with faltering, unsteady steps: She tottered down the street in high heels, desperately fighting to stay vertical.
  2. to sway or rock on the base or ground, as if about to fall: The tower seemed to totter in the wind.
  3. to shake or tremble: a load that tottered.
  4. to lack security or stability; threaten to collapse: The government was tottering.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of tottering; an unsteady movement or gait.

totter 近义词

v. 动词 verb

move falteringly


  1. His cheeks bright red, his chin wet with spittle, the helot would weave and stagger and totter until he passed out in the dirt.
  2. In the long run, the regime might indeed begin to totter: This is the entire point.
  3. Others, holding to the side of the building, felt with stupefaction the boards totter beneath their touch.
  4. Another glass and another fifteen minutes; a third glass, and hour's walk; after which allowed to totter home, and breakfast.
  5. They could see his feet totter; all held breath—the moat was very deep; he recovered, ran on.
  6. There was a great shock, and the cabin seemed to totter on the brink of the chasm.
  7. If the old almsfolk wished to pray to God daily, they might totter three-quarters of a mile up to the Minster.