inspiritment / ɪnˈspɪr ɪt /


inspiritment 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to infuse spirit or life into; enliven.

inspiritment 近义词


等同于 encouragement


  1. She was beside the tray to welcome and inspirit his eating, and she performed the busy butler's duty in pouring out wine for him.
  2. So far, everything had occurred to inspirit the Union troops and discourage the enemy.
  3. But mostly she let the rustle of the breathing land inspirit her while she thought of Mr. Julius Edward Schwirtz.
  4. For the first time in his recollection the confidence which was wont to inspirit him gave way to an attack of sullen discontent.
  5. The Son of Thunder had found his function, which was nothing less than to inspirit the Reconquest.