refreshment / rɪˈfrɛʃ mənt /


refreshment 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something that refreshes, especially food or drink.
  2. refreshments, articles or portions of food or drink, especially for a light meal.
  3. the act of refreshing or the state of being refreshed.

refreshment 近义词

n. 名词 noun

small amount of food or drink

refreshment 的近义词 5


  1. Given the difference in time zones, some participants were eating meals on screen, while others were sipping cocktails and some simply sat without refreshments.
  2. These cups can elevate any refreshment, so here’s a list of some of our favorites available today.
  3. Also, juicy fruit, decent acidity for refreshment, and a smile to enhance our conversation or dinner.
  4. There’s a pop-up cocktail table too, ensuring that refreshments are close at hand while cheering for your favorite equestrians.
  5. There were no intermissions at performances, or refreshments available.
  6. And when I passed the refreshment stand on the way out of the theater, I could not help but think of Skittles.
  7. The life of the gallery is dependent on the renewal and refreshment of its artists and dealers.
  8. You must be greatly in want of some refreshment, for the wretched posadas on the road cannot have offered you any thing eatable.
  9. Aristide stood gossiping until the Mayor invited him to take a place at the table and consume liquid refreshment.
  10. However, she was not seeking refreshment or help from any source, either external or from within.
  11. By noon they had reached Voiron, and here, at a quiet hostelry, they descended to pause awhile for rest and refreshment.
  12. She bade Marius call Fortunio, and then dismissed the courier, bidding her captain see to his refreshment.