handclasp / ˈhændˌklæsp, -ˌklɑsp /


handclasp 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a gripping of hands by two or more people, as in greeting, parting, making a commitment, or expressing affection.

handclasp 近义词


等同于 squeeze


等同于 grip


  1. Again in northern India we had the loving handclasp of a fellow missionary and the cordial welcome to a missionary home.
  2. She gravely extended her hand to meet his and the hatchet was buried in that handclasp.
  3. O how my heart aches even now as I think of the tears they shed and of their warm handclasp.
  4. He knows, too, that a few words suffice in the great decisions of life, and that the handclasp of manly love speaks volumes.
  5. Then Lieutenant Abercrombie gave each of these brothers in arms a hearty handclasp.