furbelow / ˈfɜr bəˌloʊ /


furbelow2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a ruffle or flounce, as on a woman's skirt or petticoat.
  2. any bit of showy trimming or finery.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to ornament with or as if with furbelows.

furbelow 近义词


等同于 knickknack


等同于 adornment


等同于 decoration


等同于 decoration


等同于 flourish


等同于 garnish


  1. How ridiculous that one should suffer from want of a frill or a furbelow!
  2. I invited that furbelow widow to stay on purpose to spare me this almost tte--tte meeting.
  3. It was a hull week afore I could make up my mind to go out of my office, and the sight of a furbelow raly made me sick.
  4. I'll tear the furbelow off your clothes, and when you swoon for vexation, you shan't have a penny, to buy a bottle of hartshorn.
  5. Her sex was the very essence of her; she had no need to wear it like a furbelow.