beautifying / ˈbyu təˌfaɪ /


beautifying 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

beau·ti·fied, beau·ti·fy·ing.

  1. to make or become beautiful.

beautifying 近义词

v. 动词 verb

make more physically attractive


  1. He encouraged and helped carry out the beautifying of Williamsburg, the new capital city.
  2. In some natures the giving even of unrequited love is beautifying to the character.
  3. A deep, beautifying flush swept across the face under the deplorable old hat.
  4. They were bending their valuable energies toward beautifying themselves for the evening.
  5. The application of electricity—light divorced from smoke and heat—to the beautifying of city life is as yet in its infancy.