divestment / dɪˈvɛs tɪ tʃər, -ˌtʃʊər, daɪ- /


divestment 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of divesting.
  2. the state of being divested.
  3. something, as property or investments, that has been divested: to reexamine the company's acquisitions and divestitures.
  4. Also di·ves·ture [dih-ves-cher, -choor, dahy-]. /dɪˈvɛs tʃər, -tʃʊər, daɪ-/. the sale of business holdings or part of a company, especially under legal compulsion.

divestment 近义词


等同于 divestiture

divestment 的近义词 4

等同于 deprivation


  1. But when it comes to energy, divestment from coal or fossil fuels is much more symbolic—and not very meaningful.
  2. Divestment may an appealing short-term action for people concerned with the effects of coal and fossil fuels on the environment.
  3. And in the case of South Africa, the divestment effort helped hasten the demise of an evil regime.
  4. On campus—and even off-campus—divestment has long been a popular means of channeling outrage.
  5. And for that, boycott-divestment supporters have been quick to pounce.
  6. But in a slack and unreflecting fashion the divestment has gone on until the aggregate effect is unmistakable.