ferule / ˈfɛr əl, -ul /


ferule2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also ferula. a rod, cane, or flat piece of wood for punishing children, especially by striking them on the hand.
v. 有主动词 verb

fer·uled, fer·ul·ing.

  1. to punish with a ferule.

ferule 近义词


等同于 cudgel


等同于 whip


等同于 chastise


等同于 flog


  1. Perhaps we may think the ferule well deserved when we read of the schoolboy's trick immortalized by Persius.
  2. And from the rod or ferule I would have them free, as from the menace of them; for it is both deformed and servile.
  3. The master looks at his great silver watch, and then, with tiresome deliberation, puts the ferule into his desk.
  4. The machine resembled a green gingham circus tent, and it was crowned with a ferule as large as a barrel.
  5. People said the steel ferule of the umbrella had attracted the electric current.