fantastical / fænˈtæs tɪk /


fantastical 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. conceived or appearing as if conceived by an unrestrained imagination; odd and remarkable; bizarre; grotesque: fantastic rock formations;fantastic designs.
  2. fanciful or capricious, as persons or their ideas or actions: We never know what that fantastic creature will say next.
  3. imaginary or groundless in not being based on reality; foolish or irrational: fantastic fears.
  4. extravagantly fanciful; marvelous.
  5. incredibly great or extreme; exorbitant: to spend fantastic sums of money.
  6. highly unrealistic or impractical: a fantastic scheme to make a million dollars betting on horse races.
  7. Informal. extraordinarily good; excellent: a fantastic musical.

fantastical 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The villains are the fantastical obstacles that represent real life challenges.
  2. At the time, the island had not yet been named after the delicacy, and went by the decidedly less fantastical Twickenham Ait.
  3. But with people as with maps, those that present the fantastical as real often make the most interesting subjects.
  4. There was something fantastical about the story when it was first reported a decade ago.
  5. Inside, the soaring caves and intricate carvings nod to a fantastical Alice and Wonderland underworld.
  6. This Smith published many other tracts and sermons, chiefly fanatical and with fantastical titles.
  7. The more intensely passionate the love of the child, the more fantastical is its conduct.
  8. The garb of these figures, so far as it could be discerned through the drenching rain, was fantastical in the extreme.
  9. He ought to have been in his father's footsteps, and he would then have disciplined or quashed his fantastical ideas.
  10. And the chance seemed a slender, fantastical one, even if he could safely get to a public telephone.