egesta / iˈdʒɛs tə, ɪˈdʒɛs- /


egesta 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. matter egested from the body, as excrement or other waste.

egesta 近义词


等同于 feces


等同于 perspiration


等同于 excrement


  1. On their return to Athens these men reported that Egesta was possessed of fabulous riches.
  2. The solid egesta are voided thickly covered with mucus, leaving the end of the bowel dry and clean.
  3. If Nicias was prepared for the news from Egesta, his two colleagues were taken completely by surprise.
  4. But they were especially incited by envoys from Egesta, who had come to Athens and invoked their aid more urgently than ever.
  5. Many patients are averse to food, and where little is taken in, the egesta must be inconsiderable.