sudor / (ˈsjuːdɔː) /


sudor 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a technical name for sweat

sudor 近义词


等同于 sweat


等同于 perspiration


  1. Non vincant heder bracchia flexiles, Conch non superent oscula dulcia, Emanet pariter sudor et ossibus Grato murmure ab intimis.
  2. Exercitationis finis esse debet sudor aut certe lassitudo, qu citra fatigationem sit.
  3. It was a sufficiently prominent symptom in the Oxford gaol-fever of 1577 for the sudor Anglicus to be called to mind.
  4. Agasajndola, not que el rostro de la joven se cubra de helado sudor.
  5. About the middle of June, the terrible sweating sickness (sudor anglicus) broke out in England.