duodenum / ˌdu əˈdi nəm, ˌdyu-; duˈɒd n əm, dyu- /


duodenum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural du·o·de·na [doo-uh-dee-nuh, dyoo-; doo-od-n-uh, dyoo-], /ˌdu əˈdi nə, ˌdyu-; duˈɒd n ə, dyu-/, du·o·de·nums.Anatomy, Zoology.

  1. the first portion of the small intestine, from the stomach to the jejunum.

duodenum 近义词


等同于 gut


等同于 small intestine

duodenum 的近义词 3


  1. Larger amounts are very rarely found, and generally point to obstruction in the duodenum.
  2. The opalescent enchantments of her inner being mean nothing to her: she wouldnt know her entity from her duodenum.
  3. It arises as a ventral outgrowth of the duodenum (fig. 420, l).
  4. The duodenum showed the same softened state of its mucous membrane as was exhibited by the stomach.
  5. If we follow the course of the intestines down, we find that the duodenum presents a remarkable curve.