decadency / ˈdɛk ə dəns, dɪˈkeɪd ns /


decadency 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay: Some historians hold that the fall of Rome can be attributed to internal decadence.
  2. moral degeneration or decay; turpitude.
  3. unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence.
  4. the decadent movement in literature.

decadency 近义词


等同于 degeneration


等同于 declension


等同于 declination


  1. Mirza Ghalib, the ultimate authority on Urdu poetry, was also an authority on mangoes, weaving entire ditties around their decadence.
  2. At my meal, that luxury came through not just in the decadence but in how tailored it was to each person around the table.
  3. I try to tell the unvarnished truth about the decadence in our market-driven universities!
  4. Seeking can call it sugaring, with its implications of frivolity and decadence, but it’s hard to attribute the site’s popularity to anything but financial hardship.
  5. Our mockery of celebworld helps us evade the soul-crushing decadence concealed within.
  6. Within days, the anti-Western line drawn to connect the dots of supposed Western decadence reached theaters and movie theaters.
  7. Many accused party leaders of excessive wealth and decadence filled with liquor and women.
  8. The decadence of it at 10 in the morning, it just feels like the perfect reward!
  9. In both films, these vehicular behemoths are emblems of our current decadence.
  10. This style of the decadence is the "dernier mot" of Verbe, summoned to express all and to venture to the very extremes.
  11. Unlike those feathered Romans of the Decadence, we moderns settle for one meal at a sitting, and let it digest in peace.
  12. So long as England produces men of this metal she need not fear the decadence of the race.
  13. They had reached the period of decadence, and were often heard boasting of the illustrious Charlotte.
  14. It is the fruit of a decadence, not the mature product of a full-blown art, which has taken centuries to grow and ripen.