cutter / ˈkʌt ər /


cutter2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who cuts, especially as a job, as one who cuts fabric for garments.
  2. a machine, tool, or other device for cutting.
  3. Nautical. a single-masted sailing vessel, very similar to a sloop but having its mast set somewhat farther astern, about two-fifths of the way aft measured on the water line.a ship's boat having double-banked oars and one or two lugsails.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. graded between utility and canner.

cutter 近义词


等同于 knife


等同于 sailboat


等同于 engraver


等同于 lawn mower


等同于 lumberjack

cutter 的近义词 3

等同于 warship

cutter 的近义词 3


  1. There are fewer than 100 master-certified glove cutters in the world—a title that was formalized in 17th-century France and earned only after years of mentorship—and two of them work at Hestra.
  2. These critters have swapped out jaws for jointed fangs and scissor-like cutters.
  3. That makes sense in theory, but in practice it’s required more hurdles, from paperwork to verification to penalties for line-cutters.
  4. As we head towards a new year, the cookie-cutter user experience might not cut it anymore.
  5. They traced the plane’s edges onto body-shop paper, overlaid it onto a steel plate, and sliced the shape with a plasma cutter.
  6. Then Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, California, made a bad batch of vaccine, and 40,000 children were sickened with polio.
  7. The job—feeding massive paper reams into a cutter—paid 10 cents above minimum wage.
  8. The problem is, “Yoga therapeutics has become very cookie cutter,” says Cruikshank.
  9. Eric Cantor was a noxious, cookie-cutter, U.S. Chamber, GOP hypocrite.
  10. There is no cookie-cutter plan for social media; you have to find what appeals most to your specific audience.
  11. At length, it was proposed by Dan Tyron to send for the stone cutter, and get him to cut them out of the wall with a chisel.
  12. The cutter passes from plant to plant cutting only those plants that are ripe.
  13. At this time the leaves are very brittle and unless the cutter is an experienced hand much injury may be done to the leaves.
  14. “We are not in her clutches just yet, my lad,” said Captain Charnick, as he saw Digby anxiously watching the cutter.
  15. Digby got a look at the compass within it, and found that the cutter was once more running up Channel.