sabre / ˈseɪ bər /


sabre 的定义

sabre 近义词


等同于 knife


等同于 sword


  1. The grasp on the sabre would tighten; the quiet eyes would flash.
  2. In time we will know if this was nothing more than sabre rattling or an all out war for control of the GOP.
  3. But these resentments, They are the rocket fuel That lives In the tip of my sabre.
  4. And then the printers, manufactured by new Dunder Mifflin parent company Sabre, began to catch on fire.
  5. He held the sabre lower, but the point was kept unwaveringly at the chest of his enemy; his teeth were set.
  6. Well, we must try our luck with a regulation sabre; they can't well refuse it; ours is the stronger and bigger man.
  7. His open brow lowered, and his fingers instinctively began playing with the hilt of his sabre.
  8. Where sabre, lance, and bayonet, right soon would turn and flee!
  9. At Moskowa his cuirassiers, sabre in hand, drove the Russians out of the great redoubt, but Grouchy himself was seriously wounded.