carver / ˈkɑr vər /


carver 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. George Washington, 1864?–1943, U.S. botanist and chemist.
  2. John, 1575?–1621, Pilgrim leader: first governor of Plymouth Colony 1620–21.
  3. Raymond, 1938–88, U.S. short-story writer and poet.

carver 近义词


等同于 engraver


等同于 sculptor

carver 的近义词 2


  1. “Before this information spreads further, we want people with asthma to know how important it is to only use their prescribed asthma treatments in their nebulizers,” Carver said in an email.
  2. A now-deactivated TikTok account titled “h202therapy” showed a video of a child on a nebulizer with a caption suggesting hydrogen peroxide was being used, Carver said.
  3. Her supervisor accused her of slacking and, Carver said, told her to come in.
  4. Carver said it seems like everybody in Adair County, population 18,656, knew of someone who died at Summit Manor.
  5. Even after his death in 1943 at the age of 78, Carver continued to break barriers.
  6. To make tradition-bound farmers realize the larger economic benefits of such crops, Carver began to look for other uses.
  7. Carver was an agricultural and industrial pioneer—in more ways than one.
  8. The world Carver left was still a hungry one—if substantially less so.
  9. As his reputation grew, Carver emerged as a public barnstormer for better practices.
  10. Up and to read a little, and by and by the carver coming, I directed him how to make me a neat head for my viall that is making.
  11. This is Carver's version, who, however, confounds it with another contiguous island.
  12. Carver sprang to his feet, tore the cigar from Peter Gross's mouth, and hurled it at the fireplace with his own.
  13. It was inevitable that Carver should undervalue moral suasion; a military man, he recognized only the arbitrament of brute force.
  14. Both Carver and Peter Gross understood that he was designating how much longer the shadow must grow.