copula / ˈkɒp yə lə /


copula 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cop·u·las, cop·u·lae [kop-yuh-lee]. /ˈkɒp yəˌli/.

  1. something that connects or links together.
  2. Also called linking verb. Grammar. a verb, as be, seem, or look, that serves as a connecting link or establishes an identity between subject and complement.Compare action verb.
  3. Logic. a word or set of words that acts as a connecting link between the subject and predicate of a proposition.

copula 近义词


等同于 joint


等同于 link


等同于 band


等同于 sexual intercourse


  1. Loquuntur moralistae, ut dixi, de copula carnali quatenus copula est sine respectu ad possibilitatem generandi.
  2. How to beget a male or female child; and of the Embryo and perfect Birth; and the fittest time for the copula.
  3. The moment we use the copula, the moment we express subjective inclusions, poetry evaporates.
  4. Antisthenes 222probably considered that the copula implied identity between the predicate and the subject.
  5. The first division of propositions is into Affirmative and Negative, the copula in the latter being is not.