convexity / kənˈvɛk sɪ ti /


convexity 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural con·vex·i·ties for 2.

  1. the state of being convex.
  2. a convex surface or thing.

convexity 近义词


等同于 lobe

convexity 的近义词 10
convexity 的反义词 2

等同于 bulge


等同于 hump


  1. If the error is one of convexity, the polishing strokes are to be made along the chords, extending over the edge of the polisher.
  2. The incisor teeth are remarkably curved in their long axes, with a convexity in front.
  3. Brilliant shafts radiated from the convexity of the arch, coming and going silently.
  4. Its edges are turned downward, enclosing the sporangia, when they are young, and sometimes this convexity is permanent.
  5. This convexity is rendered possible by the support afforded by the basal edges of the six midribs.