wart / wɔrt /


wart 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small, often hard, abnormal elevation on the skin, usually caused by a papomavirus.
  2. any small protuberance, as on the surface of certain plants, the skin of certain animals, etc.
  3. any unattractive detrimental feature or aspect: The biography presents the full story of the prime minister's political career, warts and all.
  4. venereal wart.

wart 近义词

n. 名词 noun

small growth or lump on the skin

n. 名词 noun


wart 的近义词 2


  1. For example, it’s powered via a single USB connection and doesn’t require a separate wall wart, so it’s perfect for remote laptop recording away from electricity.
  2. “Even an institution you love can have warts,” she said, “and from my perspective this is something that is crying out to be addressed.”
  3. Despite its warts, social media has become a part of daily life for billions of people worldwide.
  4. Measles and common skin warts are examples of viral diseases.
  5. Worry-wart Country Club Republicans say, “How about his father?”
  6. In the limelight, every glitch and wart becomes an eyesore for an international audience.
  7. A mole or wart discovered on any part of an old woman's body was thought to be a witch-mark.
  8. Make a wart bleed, and put the blood on a penny, throw the latter away, and the finder will get the wart.
  9. If all my ascensions could be put together, they would out-top Olympus and make Ossa a wart.
  10. They are there without any apparent reason, as if they were a wart on the smooth cheek of mother nature.
  11. The water is a hundred fathoms deep between Trigger Island and that little green wart out there on the face of the ocean.