convert / verb kənˈvɜrt; noun ˈkɒn vɜrt /


convert3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to change into a different form or properties; transmute; transform.
  2. to cause to adopt a different religion, political doctrine, opinion, etc.: to convert the heathen.
  3. to turn to another or a particular use or purpose; divert from the original or intended use: They converted the study into a nursery for the baby.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to become converted.
  2. Football. to make a conversion.
n. 名词 noun
  1. one who has been converted, as to a religion or opinion.

convert 近义词

n. 名词 noun

new believer

v. 动词 verb

change; adapt

v. 动词 verb

change belief, especially regarding religion


  1. The medical experts pushing it on TV are often the same few, with little evidence of them winning any converts.
  2. In winning his converts, Jones had the advantage of quick wit, a superb visual memory, and his civilian training as a lawyer, which had schooled him in “the gentle art of drawing a red herring across my questioners’ train of thought.”
  3. The SEO track will tackle keywords and copy that convert, content marketing and link building, navigation and CTAs, as well as testing.
  4. A lot of our content currently converts on social media and we’ve figured out which types of content converts on different platforms, but one area to invest more in is onsite.
  5. Although she did pull down millions in speaking fees from banks and other corporations, she is a late convert to the cause of aggressive financial regulation.
  6. There is also “other” and “willing to convert” (more on those categories later).
  7. Freundel had created the practice dunks because of an experience with a prior convert, according to Mandel.
  8. This 18-hour trip was in a less nice room, but one that had two seats that convert into a bed.
  9. Be a good citizen, and heaven awaits; fail to convert and lead a moral life, burn in hell.
  10. “The two most dangerous types of people are poor who become rich and those who convert to Islam,” observed one man from Snuny.
  11. It would not take two minutes to convert him from the inquisitor to the martyr at the stake.
  12. As for poor Dolly, if he catches her and tries to convert her to his ideas, the child has nimble feet and can run.
  13. Some of the colonists sincerely desired to acquaint and convert the Indians to Christianity.
  14. The laudable aim of America to convert the Filipino into an American in action and sentiment will probably never be realized.
  15. Had some dealings with Felix Phellion, whom he tried to convert to his religious belief.