commonness / ˈkɒm ən /


commonness2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

com·mon·er, com·mon·est.

  1. belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question: common property;common interests.
  2. pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture; public: a common language or history;a common water-supply system.
  3. joint; united: a common defense.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Often commons. Chiefly New England. a tract of land owned or used jointly by the residents of a community, usually a central square or park in a city or town.
  2. Law. the right or liberty, in common with other persons, to take profit from the land or waters of another, as by pasturing animals on another's land or fishing in another's waters .
  3. commons, the commonalty; the nonruling class.the body of people not of noble birth or not ennobled, as represented in England by the House of Commons.Commons, the representatives of this body.Commons, the House of Commons.

commonness 近义词


等同于 incidence


等同于 mediocrity

commonness 的近义词 3

等同于 normality


等同于 vulgarity


等同于 customariness


等同于 normalcy


等同于 ordinariness


等同于 routineness


等同于 usualness


  • common cause
  • common ground
  • common touch, the
  • in common


  1. Just as most happy eras are alike in similar ways, periods of darkness have more in common than they’re usually given credit for, and London in the early ’80s seems a not-so-distant reality from one we’re very familiar with.
  2. Now, 84 years later, sprouts are as common as broccoli and kale, and the only still-novel thing about them may be how they grow.
  3. This method is common for other types of at-home diagnostics, such as pregnancy tests.
  4. These include software that can translate between 100 languages without using a common intermediary.
  5. The most common type of ant that people find in their homes on the East Coast and in the Midwest is called the odorous house ant, and when squished, it releases a pheromone that smells like blue cheese.
  6. It seemed as if Professor Theobald had suddenly become a stranger to her, whom she criticised, whose commonness of fibre, ah me!
  7. Commonness vanished before Ewart, at his expository touch all things became memorable and rare.
  8. This commonness of experience and of present effort had made him seem very near to her—very attainable.
  9. The objection to machine products is often formulated as an objection to the commonness of such goods.
  10. In it one rises to the stillness of production, wherein one bathes in mystery and potency and all commonness is cleansed away.