chiding / tʃaɪd /


chiding2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

chid·ed or chid [chid], /tʃɪd/, chid·ed or chid or chid·den [chid-n], /ˈtʃɪd n/, chid·ing.

  1. to express disapproval of; scold; reproach: The principal chided the children for their thoughtless pranks.
  2. to harass, nag, impel, or the like by chiding: She chided him into apologizing.
v. 无主动词 verb

chid·ed or chid [chid], /tʃɪd/, chid·ed or chid or chid·den [chid-n], /ˈtʃɪd n/, chid·ing.

  1. to scold or reproach; find fault.

chiding 近义词

v. 动词 verb

criticize, lecture


  1. A couple of days before the game, Warner posted a video chiding the “simplicity” of the Ravens’ passing scheme for not doing enough to help Jackson.
  2. Drew Anderson, spokesperson for the Indiana Democratic Party, chided Indiana state officials for seeking to challenge parental rights for same-sex couples in the first place.
  3. Spending money on the Internet matters, she chided her elders, “in the Year of our Lord 2020.”
  4. When Westenhofer took the issue to human resources, she was told there was nothing they could do and was chided that employers were also having a hard time.
  5. During lunch breaks, we sometimes paced around our teammates, pretending to be Old World villagers, hands tucked behind our backs as we chided everyone in sight.
  6. But the greatest sin of all for Francis is perhaps that of careerism, chiding those who honor people rather than God.
  7. But it was not long into the first interview when Heinz grew frustrated, chiding Lombardi for having “no audio-visual recall.”
  8. Then, KYAnonymous tweeted at him, chiding the boy for hiding.
  9. Marty will be there in spirit, chiding the spongers: Do you think every day is Christmas?
  10. Rodriguez told me he gave his photographer a gentle chiding.
  11. Mrs Bellingham went on tiptoe towards the door, and chiding herself because her stiff, weary limbs made some slight noise.
  12. But even while chiding the Earl for inaction, Perrott admitted that want of provisions was a fair excuse.
  13. He ran back to get the money out of his coat, delighted with the chance and chiding himself for not having dared to do it sooner.
  14. "From the Park," she said, and commenced chiding Robert gently, to establish her right to do it with solemnity.
  15. And before he went Mark must know this for certain, chiding himself for having put it off so long.