characterized 的定义
char·ac·ter·ized, char·ac·ter·iz·ing.
- to mark or distinguish as a characteristic; be a characteristic of: Rich metaphors characterize his poetry.
- to describe the character or individual quality of: He characterized her in a few well-chosen words.
- to attribute character to: to characterize him as a coward.
characterized 近义词
typify, distinguish
characterized 的近义词 32 个
- define
- describe
- identify
- indicate
- mark
- outline
- portray
- represent
- symbolize
- brand
- constitute
- delineate
- designate
- differentiate
- discriminate
- feature
- individualize
- individuate
- inform
- peg
- personalize
- pigeonhole
- signalize
- singularize
- stamp
- style
- typecast
- belong to
- button down
- make up
- peculiarize
- tab
characterized 的反义词 2 个
- Elbridge Gerry, was characterized by his political opponents as a monstrous beast, the Gerrymander, rather than a more conventional shape.
- Trying to speed up science carries many risks, especially for a novel virus like this one, which is not well understood nor easily characterized.
- Both observe in submillimeter wavelengths that stretch from far infrared to microwave, which allows scientists to more closely characterize the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
- Atkins characterized the bill as a victim of a timing failure and foot-dragging by the Assembly, which didn’t allow it enough time to get that final Senate vote.
- A childhood characterized by hardship, negligence or abuse can also alter the neuroendocrine system that regulates how the body responds to stress.
- They are often characterized as benevolent and admirable; when we do the same, we are angry and unreasonable.
- The founder of Valor por Tamaulipas disputes this version of events and has characterized it as disinformation.
- This dramatic increase may simply be a matter of reporting—more crimes are being reported and characterized as anti-LGBT.
- It's a terrifying disease, characterized by spasms and sometimes followed by fatal bleeding from the nose and mouth.
- This is after a childhood characterized by poverty, struggle, and fear.
- Of course the expression of this value is modified and characterized by the nature of the thing spoken of.
- His mind is characterized by the literalness, rather than the comprehensive grasp of great subjects.
- He married Maud, daughter of William the conqueror, and is characterized as a mild and popular king.
- Thereupon began a procedure identical to that which had characterized the outset of every successful case of the Chief Inspector.
- He was considered a harsh Governor because his martial law administration was characterized by severe punishment for wrongdoing.