tab / tæb /


tab3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small flap, strap, loop, or similar appendage, as on a garment, used for pulling, hanging, or decoration.
  2. a tag or label.
  3. a small projection from a card, paper, or folder, used as an aid in filing.
v. 有主动词 verb

tabbed, tab·bing.

  1. to furnish or ornament with a tab or tabs.
  2. to name or designate.
v. 无主动词 verb

tabbed, tab·bing.

  1. to operate the tab function on a typewriter or computer.

tab 近义词

n. 名词 noun

ticket, label

n. 名词 noun

bill for service


  1. The reach reduction will only affect political content appearing in people’s news feeds, though, not other areas within Facebook such as Facebook Watch or its news tab.
  2. If you do not automatically apply Ad Suggestions, you will still get them in your Recommendations tab.
  3. Most cited networking and person-to-person connections at in-person shows, while others pointed out how easy it is to get distracted when an event is another open browser tab in Chrome.
  4. To perform this, go to Page setting and check “Hide this page from search engine results” in the SEO tab.
  5. You can also select the reload button in DevTools under the Performance tab.
  6. That victory for the tab became a bargaining chip in all future dealings with the superstar.
  7. Runaway corporations benefited from those policies but want U.S. companies to pay their share of the tab.
  8. They started the tab; as a country, we have simply, and certainly, continued it.
  9. Place your order and you are given a little tab of paper with the price marked on it.
  10. Critics run that tab as high as $4 billion, calculating the lost tax revenues over 40 years.
  11. He had his key ready in his hand, terra cotta-hued tab swinging loose.
  12. Short hard radiation emitted from the tab neutralized the claws, put them out of commission.
  13. Radiation tabs protected the UN troops, but if a man lost his tab he was fair game for the claws, no matter what his uniform.
  14. In two little hours we came to Antab (An-tab), having crossed the Sejour at a bridge about three quarters of an hour before.
  15. It was a sedan with a neat little drive-yourself tab on the right-hand door.