centralize / ˈsɛn trəˌlaɪz /


centralize2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

cen·tral·ized, cen·tral·iz·ing.

  1. to draw to or gather about acenter.
  2. to bring under one control, especially in government: to centralize budgeting in one agency.
v. 无主动词 verb

cen·tral·ized, cen·tral·iz·ing.

  1. to come together at or to form a center.

centralize 近义词

v. 动词 verb

concentrate, draw toward a point


  1. A managed services provider contract centralizes that function with an outsourced partner like AMN.
  2. He argues that cryptocurrencies preserve the ability of individuals to do with their money as they please, instead of centralizing that power.
  3. In interviews during that period, he voiced optimism about Europe’s ability to centralize its political and economic institutions under a strong executive branch.
  4. The problems arise when they look to centralize that data, match it to third-party resources and deploy it compliantly for campaign purposes.
  5. To keep employees free of bureaucratic meddling, Nucor has chosen not to centralize functions like R&D, sales, marketing, strategy, safety, engineering, compliance, and purchasing.
  6. Their duty is to centralize all evidence currently available, but let a semi-organic process develop the rest.
  7. Once in office, they are always going to centralize power and undermine the democracy that elevated them.
  8. This seems to be contrary to the spirit and intent of the act, which is primarily to centralize reserves in Federal Reserve Banks.
  9. Chamberlain in vain urged defense and political policies designed to centralize power in London.
  10. Our army was an enormous heterogeneous mass, without any pretense of a system to centralize and harmonize its movements.
  11. There is no special branch of the service whose duty it is to regulate, centralize and direct the movements of the army.
  12. No people ever existed, who watched more narrowly the existence of power, and its innate tendency to centralize, and usurp.