bloater / ˈbloʊ tər /


bloater 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a herring cured by being salted and briefly smoked and dried.
  2. a mackerel similarly cured.
  3. a freshwater cisco, Coregonus hoyi, found in the Great Lakes.

bloater 近义词


等同于 oversized


  1. She stands high on her legs; and her wings have black tips, the rest being yellow, as though exposed to smoke, like a bloater.
  2. Long before that, the Bloater and Little Jim had sought repose in the cart-shed of a neighbouring stable.
  3. The Bloater, with a mouth extending from ear to ear and all his teeth displayed, uttered the single word “sold!”
  4. This peculiarity, be it carefully observed, was natural to the Bloater, who scorned every species of affectation.
  5. Little Jim looked disconsolate and said nothing, which, as the Bloater testily remarked, was another of his witty rejoinders.