whole-hog / ˈhoʊl ˈhɔg, ˈhɒg /


whole-hog3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the furthest extent; everything: With them it was whole hog or nothing.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Usually whole-hog [hohl-hawg, -hog] /ˈhoʊlˈhɔg, -ˈhɒg/ . complete and thorough; wholehearted: Any whole-hog endorsement of the doctrine would leave its proponent overexposed to counterarguments.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. completely; wholeheartedly: I've long hated this idea that you can't just jump whole hog into radical feminism.

whole-hog 近义词


等同于 sweeping


等同于 thorough/thoroughgoing


等同于 thoroughpaced


等同于 unabbreviated


等同于 uncensored


等同于 uncut


等同于 unexpurgated


等同于 complete


等同于 exhaustive


等同于 whole hog


  1. There are two other options, cuts of the whole hog, on the table.
  2. In that photo, Merabet has a big smile that spreads across his whole face and lights up his eyes.
  3. “We talked about the science the whole time the other day,” Krauss told The Daily Beast in a phone interview.
  4. If the Israel model ban were directed towards disordered eating, Ravin says she would support it whole-heartedly.
  5. What an amazing thing to be able to listen to any music you want, a whole world of bands.
  6. And Air Force assessors are the first to say such imaging never tells the whole story.
  7. You would not think it too much to set the whole province in flames so that you could have your way with this wretched child.
  8. Now, it immediately occurred to Davy that he had never in his whole life had all the plums he wanted at any one time.
  9. But Polavieja started his campaign with the immense advantage of having the whole of the dry season before him.
  10. All changes are to be Rang either by walking them (as the term is) or else Whole-pulls, or Half-pulls.
  11. The plant as a whole remains green until late in the autumn.