walk / wɔk /


walk4 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace; proceed by steps; move by advancing the feet alternately so that there is always one foot on the ground in bipedal locomotion and two or more feet on the ground in quadrupedal locomotion.
  2. to move about or travel on foot for exercise or pleasure: We can walk in the park after lunch.
  3. to move in a manner suggestive of walking, as through repeated vibrations or the effect of alternate expansion and contraction: He typed so hard that the lamp walked right off the desk.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to proceed through, over, or upon at a moderate pace on foot: walking London streets by night; walking the floor all night.
  2. to cause to walk; lead, drive, or ride at a walk, as an animal: We walked our horses the last quarter of a mile.
  3. to force or help to walk, as a person: They were walking him around the room soon after his operation.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of walking or going on foot.
  2. a period of walking for exercise or pleasure: to go for a walk.
  3. a distance walked or to be walked, often in terms of the time required: not more than ten minutes' walk from town.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. walk off, to get rid of by walking: to walk off a headache.
  2. walk off with, to remove illegally; steal.to win or attain, as in a competition: to walk off with the first prize for flower arrangements.to surpass one's competitors; win easily: to walk off with the fight.
  3. walk out, to go on strike.to leave in protest: to walk out of a committee meeting.

walk 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun

brief travel on foot

v. 动词 verb

move along on foot


  • walk all over
  • walk a tightrope
  • walk away from
  • walk away with
  • walking encyclopedia
  • walking papers
  • walk off with
  • walk of life
  • walk on air
  • walk on eggs
  • walk out
  • walk over
  • walk tall
  • walk the floor
  • walk the plank
  • walk through
  • cock of the walk
  • hands down (in a walk)
  • worship the ground someone walks on


  1. He has had years with control trouble and once led the league in walks.
  2. We also did our own stand-up paddleboarding, with our kids, David and Sophia, and went for long morning beach walks, rarely seeing others.
  3. The last time I saw a friend in person, for a long walk by the river, I returned home buzzing as if I had been to a party with a hundred people.
  4. Rather, he understands when people from all walks of life are considered for important positions, the resulting workforce will be more diverse — and stronger for it.
  5. When he senses that we’re getting ready for a walk, or just before or after we feed him, Archie looks around for the rabbit, grabs it in his mouth, then prances about, whipping it back and forth.
  6. Creating PGCs from skin tissue, on the other hand, seems like a walk in the park compared to egg freezing.
  7. “They know there are drug spots,” said Wanda Williams, who was out for a walk with her son.
  8. “They just walk around, they ride in their patrol cars, and they just pass by,” he said.
  9. Your general reaction runs along the lines of: “When will these geezers give it up and go for a mall walk or something?”
  10. Other footage shows him fleeing, keeping to a quick walk, jogging briefly, then walking again as he heads for a subway station.
  11. The two women had no intention of bathing; they had just strolled down to the beach for a walk and to be alone and near the water.
  12. She set off down Trafalgar Road in the mist and the rain, glad that she had been compelled to walk.
  13. I could see only the stretch of green before me, and I felt as if I must walk on forever, without coming to the end of it.
  14. He used to walk through the park, and note with pleasure the care that his father bestowed on the gigantic property.
  15. The back of her head will be quite in line with her charming little bust, and I for one shall walk round and laugh in her face.