unreservedness / ˌʌn rɪˈzɜrvd /


unreservedness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not restricted; without reservation; full; entire; unqualified: unreserved approval.
  2. free from reserve; frank; open: unreserved behavior.
  3. not kept or set apart for a particular use or person: unreserved seats.

unreservedness 近义词


等同于 informality


等同于 ease


  1. My attentions to him had not passed unnoticed, and he was kind, fatherly, and unreserved.
  2. An unreserved and public opposition can be no longer postponed.
  3. Mineral deposits within National Forests are open to development exactly as on unreserved public land.
  4. Aunt Sarah had come as near as she had ever done in her life to an unreserved apology for her behaviour.
  5. I applaud her humanity; but think that, good and prudent as she is, she is too unreserved in her confidences.