unreasoningly / ʌnˈri zə nɪŋ /


unreasoningly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not reasoning or exercising reason; reasonless; thoughtless; irrational: an unreasoning fanatic.

unreasoningly 近义词


等同于 blindly


等同于 mechanically

unreasoningly 的近义词 2

等同于 obstinately


  1. The specter of this virus fills some of our most stalwart souls with unreasoning dread even when it is no immediate threat.
  2. Yet it's plain that he thinks a little worse of himself for allowing his judgment to overmaster his unreasoning dread.
  3. This unreasoning, feminine obstinacy so wrought upon him that he permitted himself a smile and a lapse into irony and banter.
  4. That which goes by the names of clairvoyance and spiritualism is based solely upon an unreasoning credulity.
  5. But in saying that the essence of morality is unreasoning I do not mean that it is unreasonable.
  6. A sort of unreasonable and unreasoning desire that the hour might be marked by something special hovered around her.
  7. He understood the unreasoning temper of those who sought dividends without bothering much about details.