unbriefed / brif /


unbriefed3 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

brief·er, brief·est.

  1. lasting or taking a short time; of short duration: a brief walk; a brief stay in the country.
  2. using few words; concise; succinct: a brief report on weather conditions.
  3. abrupt or curt.
  4. scanty: a brief bathing suit.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a short and concise statement or written item.
  2. an outline, the form of which is determined by set rules, of all the possible arguments and information on one side of a controversy: a debater's brief.
  3. Law. a writ summoning one to answer to any action.a memorandum of points of fact or of law for use in conducting a case.a written argument submitted to a court. the material relevant to a case, delivered by a solicitor to the barrister who tries the case.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make an abstract or summary of.
  2. to instruct by a brief or briefing: They brief all the agents before assigning them.
  3. Law. to retain as advocate in a suit.

unbriefed 近义词


等同于 uninformed


等同于 unknowing


  1. As they moved down the street, Harris waved, held her hand to her heart, and bumped elbows and had brief conversations with several onlookers.
  2. Amazon, meanwhile, set their preorders live late Wednesday around midnight ET, only for consoles to sell out within a similarly brief timeframe.
  3. For over a decade, astronomers have puzzled over the origins of fast radio bursts, brief blasts of radio waves that come mostly from distant galaxies.
  4. After brief introductions, he told me to follow him, but he went the wrong way.
  5. I’m most in love with the liner, which feels like a comfy pair of boxer-briefs even when they get wet.
  6. In his brief appearance today, Scalise never mentioned Duke.
  7. Before we get to all that, permit me a brief reflection on this matter of Steve Scalise.
  8. Hawking, of course, came to global fame with his book A Brief History of Time.
  9. Even when financial facilitators are arrested, incarceration is brief.
  10. Even the brief time spent chewing exposes foods to enzymes that begin to break it down.
  11. Vicars' wives had come and gone, but all had submitted, some after a brief struggle, to old Mrs. Wurzel's sway.
  12. As Perker said this, he looked towards the door, with an evident desire to render the leave-taking as brief as possible.
  13. And I finished all with a brief historical account of affairs and events in England for about a hundred years past.
  14. The events which succeeded this fortunate capture are too well known to require more than a very brief recapitulation.
  15. In brief, by the close of the year, the phenomenal conditions growing directly out of the European war had been met and overcome.