short-lived / ˈʃɔrtˈlaɪvd, -ˈlɪvd /


short-lived 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. living or lasting only a little while.

short-lived 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

not around for long


  1. As this list shows, punishments typically run to a short-ish jail sentence and/or a moderately hefty fine.
  2. Most coup members “lived in the diaspora in the United States and Germany,” Faal said.
  3. The precision it took to craft such a cohesive, wholly compelling work over 12 years is nothing short of remarkable.
  4. In short, fatherhood gets little attention in policy debates.
  5. The fear of…Dad, of the war…yes, that…but something else…the fear that life is nor being lived right here now.
  6. Sometimes the stems are quite bare; on other occasions they are partly branched; in any case the branches are short.
  7. Many of their cannon balls that fell far short of us, were collected and returned to them with powerful effect.
  8. He was tall and of familiar figure, and the firelight was playing in the tossed curls of his short, fair hair.
  9. They are ovoid in shape, and lie in pairs, end to end, often forming short chains.
  10. But one thing remained for Felipe now, If Ramona lived, he would find her, and restore to her this her rightful property.