tunnel / ˈtʌn l /


tunnel3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an underground passage.
  2. a passageway, as for trains or automobiles, through or under an obstruction, as a city, mountain, river, harbor, or the like.
  3. an approximately horizontal gallery or corridor in a mine.
v. 有主动词 verb

tun·neled, tun·nel·ing or tun·nelled, tun·nel·ling.

  1. to construct a passageway through or under: to tunnel a mountain.
  2. to make or excavate: to tunnel a passage under a river.
  3. to move or proceed by or as if by boring a tunnel: The river tunneled its way through the mountain.
  4. to pierce or hollow out, as with tunnels.
v. 无主动词 verb

tun·neled, tun·nel·ing or tun·nelled, tun·nel·ling.

  1. to make a tunnel or tunnels: to tunnel through the Alps.

tunnel 近义词

n. 名词 noun

covered passageway

v. 动词 verb

dig a passage through

tunnel 的近义词 7
tunnel 的反义词 1


  1. After a moth was given four minutes to taste the sweet stuff, it was attracted to the new smell when sent into the tunnel 15 minutes later, even when neither the sugar water nor the visual cue of the artificial flower was present.
  2. At least 60% of the world’s supply comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, mostly from small-scale miners using handheld tools to dig ore from pits and tunnels.
  3. His new model—incorporating tree forts, climbing poles, tunnels, sand areas, and water—became a prototype for playgrounds around the country.
  4. Like building underground car tunnels and sending private rockets to Mars, this Musk-backed endeavor is incredibly ambitious, but it builds on years of research into brain-machine interfaces.
  5. These tunnels, or wormholes, would offer a shortcut between two distant sites in space and time or between two different universes.
  6. Another crowd moved west in an apparent bid to block the Holland Tunnel.
  7. The only catch—he never mined a thing and the tunnel led to a scenic ledge.
  8. When the project was completed, Schmidt moved from the tunnel into town.
  9. Over the next 36 years, he would dig a 2,087-foot tunnel that led absolutely nowhere.
  10. After the tunnel was complete, Schmidt went about building a rail line through it.
  11. The grass had a delightful fragrance, like new-mown hay, and was neatly wound around the tunnel, like the inside of a bird's-nest.
  12. The south tunnel in New Street was blocked April 18, 1877, by a locomotive turning over.
  13. To my friends ever since I have not failed to recommend the passage of the Butterley tunnel as a desirable pleasure excursion.
  14. On the Great Western line the longest is the Box tunnel, 3,123 yards in length.
  15. Instantly there rose before him the vision of a black torrent roaring through the tunnel.