pit / pɪt /


pit3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a naturally formed or excavated hole or cavity in the ground: pits caused by erosion; clay pits.
  2. a covered or concealed excavation in the ground, serving as a trap.
  3. Mining. an excavation made in exploring for or removing a mineral deposit, as by open-cut methods.the shaft of a coal mine.the mine itself.
v. 有主动词 verb

pit·ted, pit·ting.

  1. to mark or indent with pits or depressions: ground pitted by erosion.
  2. to scar with pockmarks: His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.
  3. to place or bury in a pit, as for storage.
v. 无主动词 verb

pit·ted, pit·ting.

  1. to become marked with pits or depressions.
  2. to retain temporarily a mark of pressure, as by a finger, instrument, etc.

pit 近义词

n. 名词 noun

hole, cavity

v. 动词 verb

oppose, play off

pit 的近义词 6
pit 的反义词 2


  • pit against
  • the pits


  1. Not only does the ball shrink into a peach pit whenever it slaps against Leonard’s mighty hands, but everytime he steps on the court, he brings a game that’s been molded to dominate areas of the floor, placing an insoluble strain on the opposition.
  2. He’s the leading figure in remaking old-line exchanges dominated by traders shouting bids from “open outcry pits” into electronic platforms.
  3. “Any suggestion that my clients or I have any responsibility in the city’s decision to buy this money pit is a convenient political deflection,” he wrote in a statement.
  4. Remains of fire pits were found not far from Border Cave’s former grass beds.
  5. He thinks the arrangement of the pits — in a circle surrounding the henge — might mean they marked the boundary to some important space.
  6. So what of the photograph of what the Senate report described as a “well-used waterboard” with buckets around it, at the Salt Pit?
  7. He watched the pit grow bigger every month, despite the numerous reports he wrote about the facility.
  8. He said he watched waste haulers back up to the pit and unleash torrents of watery muck.
  9. In several reports he urged the pit operators to safeguard the birds.
  10. Abarca allegedly battered Hernandez, who was then dumped in the pit.
  11. With the management of these, however, the Earl of Pit Town did not trouble himself.
  12. At length the great Pit Town collection was housed as it deserved to be.
  13. Old Pit Town knows lots of good people, and would give us letters, I suppose.
  14. Certes le capitaine Merveilles et ses gens monstrerent leur pit non vulgaire.
  15. We never see such horrors now; and I actually envied Pit Town the possession of that picture.