treatise / ˈtri tɪs /


treatise 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a formal and systematic exposition in writing of the principles of a subject, generally longer and more detailed than an essay.

treatise 近义词

n. 名词 noun

written study of a subject


  1. The book soon “became a standard treatise,” according to a 2018 biography published by the American Statistical Association.
  2. The treatise was the compilation of years spent working to treat recently freed former slaves and disadvantaged women in the wake of the Civil War.
  3. It’s a provocation rather than a treatise—and, at 168 pages, it works.
  4. For Richardson, laundry is an act of love, and “Laundry Love” is his treatise to America’s laundry rooms and the clothes that tumble in them.
  5. Its president Brad Smith posted a long treatise in praise of the importance of public interest journalism.
  6. In other words, another treatise on masculinity from Pizzolatto.
  7. We do have the writings of Sextus Julius Frontinus—but what he wrote was a treatise on aqueducts.
  8. As a treatise on the essential vacuity of the white liberal male, Boyhood is a staggering achievement.
  9. Locke mentioned it in his Second Treatise on Government; Milton dreamed of it in Paradise Lost.
  10. Another time, before he wrote his treatise on Atheism, he scolded me for believing in God.
  11. William King, archbishop of Dublin, died; author of a celebrated treatise on the origin of evil.
  12. In 1639 Venner published a volume entitled "A Treatise" concerning the taking of the fume of tobacco.
  13. He hoped to treat the subject exhaustively in his forthcoming treatise on Ecclesiastical Prosody.
  14. You perfectly understand that branch of business since you studied the treatise on precious stones.
  15. It was at this convention that a written treatise on American rights was prepared for the convention by Thomas Jefferson.