tract / trækt /


tract 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an expanse or area of land, water, etc.; region; stretch.
  2. Anatomy. a definite region or area of the body, especially a group, series, or system of related parts or organs: the digestive tract.a bundle of nerve fibers having a common origin and destination.
  3. a stretch or period of time; interval; lapse.
  4. Roman Catholic Church. an anthem consisting of verses of Scripture, sung after the gradual in the Mass from Septuagesima until the day before Easter and on certain other occasions, taking the place of the alleluias and the verse that ordinarily accompany the gradual.
  5. Ornithology. a pteryla.

tract 近义词

n. 名词 noun

area, lot


  1. Finally, some biologists argue for preserving vast tracts of wilderness not yet altered by human activity.
  2. As soon as it gets turned on by one virus, any other virus that comes along and tries to grow in the respiratory tract can’t.
  3. It’s just that despite years of research into the use of vitamin D in respiratory tract infections, there still hasn’t really been a clear, slam-dunk answer that there’s benefit.
  4. The Nature Conservancy partnered with the American Forest Foundation to create a new offset protocol designed to allow owners of small tracts of wooded land to earn credits for taking steps to suck up and store more carbon.
  5. In other words, “Knives Out” sought to work as entertainment, not as a social tract or policy prescription.
  6. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract performs different digestive functions are various different locations.
  7. On a 2,813-acre tract roughly 30 miles west, Washington found a Calvinist sect called the Seceders squatting on his land.
  8. A procedure to reopen his urinary tract could have been done under local anesthesia.
  9. Please note that I made a contribution after reading the tract, i.e., I too am a hug-a-whale sort of guy.
  10. For Coming Soon, Gordon's initial plan was to make and then display her wreath paintings in a low-budget California tract house.
  11. It is often present in the respiratory tract under normal conditions.
  12. Their usual source is the deeper layers of the urinary tract, especially of the bladder.
  13. In suppurations of the urinary tract pus-producing organisms may be found.
  14. Barclay, in his tract on "The Vertues of Tobacco," recommends its use as a medicine.
  15. Then I ditch from the lake, and I am the proud owner of a large tract of valuable irrigated land.