exposition 的定义
- a large-scale public exhibition or show, as of art or manufactured products: an exposition of 19th-century paintings; an automobile exposition.
- the act of expounding, setting forth, or explaining: the exposition of a point of view.
- writing or speech primarily intended to convey information or to explain; a detailed statement or explanation; explanatory treatise: The students prepared expositions on familiar essay topics.
- the act of presenting to view; display: The singer gave a splendid exposition of vocal talent.
- exposure.
- the state of being uncovered, revealed, or otherwise exposed; exposure.
- Music. the first section of a fugue or a sonata form, in which the principal themes normally are introduced.
- dialogue, description, etc., that gives the audience or reader the background of the characters and the present situation.
exposition 近义词
written description
exposition 的近义词 46 个
- account
- analysis
- annotation
- article
- comment
- commentary
- composition
- construal
- construction
- critique
- delineation
- details
- discourse
- discussion
- disquisition
- dissertation
- editorial
- elucidation
- enucleation
- enunciation
- essay
- exegesis
- explanation
- explication
- expounding
- history
- illustration
- interpretation
- monograph
- paper
- piece
- presentation
- report
- review
- statement
- story
- study
- tale
- text
- theme
- thesis
- tract
- treatise
- exposé
- position paper
- tractate
exposition 的反义词 2 个
exposition 的近义词 14 个
- bazaar
- circus
- demonstration
- display
- exhibition
- expo
- marketplace
- mart
- pageant
- presentation
- production
- show
- showing
- county fair
exposition 的反义词 2 个
- Foreign policy briefing Today’s WorldView and a suite of 202-branded politics newsletters contain more analysis and exposition from their authors.
- It’s not Old’s constant exposition that’s the problem so much as the unending, clunky over-explanation.
- According to a Rolling Stone profile of Thompson, the filmmakers determined the moment distracted from the scene’s exposition.
- My favorite ranks this low in the first game mostly because she suffers from having to be an exposition machine for two entire races — the Quarians and the Geth.
- Tali, who is now untethered from exposition duty, gets the best loyalty mission in the game.
- All this shows the real problem when telling the story of geniuses: exposition.
- In the hands of a lessor actor, she might have even seemed like an exposition machine.
- Recently, ProPublica wrote a deep and haunting exposition on the re-segregation of schools in the South, including Tuscaloosa.
- The New American Commentary: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture, Volume 1A, Genesis 1-11:26.
- Those bored by exposition who like action and dialogue written in the present tense will eat these up.
- "Chanson," exhibited at the Paris Exposition, 1900, displays something of the same quality.
- To guide his mind into the channel of the printed exposition, he calls into play the Directory power of the attention.
- Martin Falleix obtained a brevet for invention and a gold medal at the Exposition of 1824.
- Following description, in order of difficulty, come exposition and argument.
- The expression of such thoughts would be exposition, although it might contain a number of stories and descriptions.