thunderbolt / ˈθʌn dərˌboʊlt /


thunderbolt 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a flash of lightning with the accompanying thunder.
  2. an imaginary bolt or dart conceived as the material destructive agent cast to earth in a flash of lightning: the thunderbolts of Jove.
  3. something very destructive, terrible, severe, sudden, or startling.
  4. a person who acts with fury or with sudden and irresistible force.

thunderbolt 近义词


等同于 jolt


等同于 surprise


等同于 thunder


等同于 bolt


  1. But as high school came to a close, her father made an announcement that hit Nashwa like a thunderbolt.
  2. The 1941 Chrysler Thunderbolt was produced in five different colors during its prototype tour, and the cars were later sold.
  3. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
  4. It played in the background while God made love to the thunderbolt that birthed Tom Brady.
  5. If Saraswati was a god in the eyes of his followers, then the threat of karmic retribution was his thunderbolt.
  6. Matt diminished the power that fed the racing pistons, but still he continued to drop like a thunderbolt down the steep slope.
  7. The same author says that Marshal D'Ancre and his wife were struck, as it were, by a thunderbolt.
  8. It was an untried leap to the farmer, who nevertheless went at it like a thunderbolt and cleared it like a stag.
  9. They came down like a thunderbolt, struck two large boats manned with sailors coming to aid the people, and capsized them.
  10. The situation looked so hopeless because the war came like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky.