thistle / ˈθɪs əl /


thistle 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various prickly, composite plants having showy, purple flower heads, especially of the genera Cirsium, Carduus, or Onopordum.
  2. any of various other prickly plants.

thistle 近义词


等同于 barb

thistle 的近义词 10
thistle 的反义词 2

等同于 bramble


等同于 thorn

thistle 的近义词 6


  1. Walking on, he sees another thistle, downtrodden, but still firmly planted and defiantly thriving.
  2. The case was different in 'Thistle's' year, that vessel having a really splendid lot of sticks.
  3. Lady Baird has sent the veil, and a wonderful diamond thistle to pin it on,—a jewel fit for a princess!
  4. So saying, he again relapsed into silence, and commenced whipping at the thistle tops and dandelions.
  5. From holy or blessed thistle (Carduus Benedictus) by displacement with cold water.
  6. Suddenly Polly broke away, pulled up an iron-weed growing on the road-side, and fell to whipping a large purple thistle.