gorse / gɔrs /


gorse 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any spiny shrub of the genus Ulex, of the legume family, native to the Old World, especially U. europaeus, having rudimentary leaves and yellow flowers and growing in waste places and sandy soil.

gorse 近义词


等同于 bramble


等同于 brush


  1. He dismounted and attempted to conceal himself amid the gorse of that wild spot.
  2. We left the refreshment-room, and walked among the gorse and birches in the direction of Queen's Mere.
  3. The bees buzzed about the wild thyme and the golden heads of gorse.
  4. By every tree and ledge, by every cranny and point of rock, stoutly rooted hazel and thorn bush and clump of gorse, they climbed.
  5. It's very pretty work in a small gorse, but in a great wood like this I don't care much for being so accurate.