stiffened / ˈstɪf ən /


stiffened2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make stiff.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to become stiff.
  2. to become suddenly tense, rigid, or taut, as in bracing oneself for or drawing back from shock, fear, or displeasure: He stiffened, expecting to hear the worst.

stiffened 近义词

v. 动词 verb

make or become harder


  1. Excess sodium narrows and stiffens blood vessels, raising blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease, stroke and other serious medical conditions.
  2. She also recommends mobility work like foam rolling, dynamic stretching, and body-weight movements to offset stiffening tendons and ligaments.
  3. A couple of us returned with a coat hanger and succeeded at pulling the stiffened, misshapen orb into the daylight.
  4. Led by California, states are stiffening the standards—and that’s welcome news for Tesla.
  5. Meanwhile, the states are tightening, while the Feds ease, by stiffening the ZEV standards.
  6. The bearded volunteer, wearing an over-sized black flack jacket, said rebel resistance had stiffened.
  7. I was in a daze, still wearing clothes stiffened with evaporated sea salt.
  8. At the crucial moment, she stiffened George HW Bush's spine to fight to rescue Kuwait in the first Gulf War.
  9. It stiffened Israeli backs even further against being conciliatory about starting talks with the Palestinians.
  10. This powerhouse of a speaker stiffened the spine of a president too eager to bend before the false promise of bipartisanship.
  11. Abner stiffened, grew tense, as one becomes at the moment of bursting into dynamic action, but he did not stir.
  12. It can be stiffened by girders and bracing and is then of mixed type, when it loses much of its advantage in economy.
  13. Nevertheless, the stiffened suspension bridge will probably be the type adopted in future for very great spans.
  14. The vertical sides of the girders are stiffened so that they amount to 40% of the whole weight.
  15. The original design was for a stiffened suspension bridge, but after the fall of the Tay bridge in 1879 this was abandoned.