standardize / ˈstæn dərˌdaɪz /


standardize2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

stand·ard·ized, stand·ard·iz·ing.

  1. to bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality, strength, or the like: to standardize manufactured parts.
  2. to compare with or test by a standard.
  3. to choose or establish a standard for.
v. 无主动词 verb

stand·ard·ized, stand·ard·iz·ing.

  1. to become standardized.

standardize 近义词

v. 动词 verb

make regular, similar


  1. The World Economic Forum, working with the Big Four accounting firms, recently published a new report that seeks to standardize stakeholder capitalism reporting on environment, social, and governance goals.
  2. This method of training is not standardized, it is not measurable, and it is extremely challenging to establish accountability for errors in the field.
  3. To make matters simpler, GM is standardizing the components it will use to build what promises to be a wide variety of vehicles.
  4. Instead, create guidelines to objectify and standardize job performance expectations.
  5. Ofqal then standardized grades using an algorithm based on students’ past achievements and their schools’ past performance.
  6. Second, many other democracies standardize administration of their national elections.
  7. Where several variant spellings were used, the most prevalent version was use to standardize them.
  8. In his view there was room for universities of different types; to standardize them would be a blunder, almost a crime.
  9. To standardize procedure, as well as to eliminate delay, was the purpose of the President in the plan for the Commerce Court.
  10. Professing the ideal and proposing to recreate the Universe, the New Freedom, as it calls itself, would standardize it.
  11. For exact quantitative determination it is necessary to standardize the solution with pure anhydrous dextrose.