softcover / ˈsɔftˌkʌv ər, ˈsɒft- /


softcover 的定义

n. 名词,形容词 noun

softcover 近义词


等同于 book


  1. They took cover inside a print works to the north east of Paris, where they held a member of staff as a hostage.
  2. Clad in a blue, striped button-down, a silver watch adorning his left wrist, Huckabee beams on the cover.
  3. There were stomachs, taut and flat, but also undulating bellies, soft and bloated from the breakfast buffet.
  4. Until concern trolls like Sarah Ditum came along trying to cover it up again.
  5. Jourdan Dunn is the first sole black woman to feature on a British ‘Vogue’ cover in 12 years.
  6. All elements of expression modify each other, so that no mere rule can cover all cases.
  7. The Vine is a universal favorite, and rarely out of view; while it often seems to cover half the ground in sight.
  8. And once more, she found herself desiring to be like Janet--not only in appearance, but in soft manner and tone.
  9. A few small rocks of some soft stone may be added, and in between these the Ferns are planted.
  10. He thus decoyed them away, and the fortunate couple were enabled to reach the British lines under cover of the darkness.